Analyze the microaggressions

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Reference no: EM133682078

Analyze the microaggressions and overt challenges experienced by the adolescent in the case. Use at least three examples from the case to illustrate your points. In your analysis, be sure to explain how different ecological systems in the adolescent's life contributed to their experiences. Describe two specific ways a school social worker could support the student featured in your case. Describe two strategies that the social worker could use to support all LGBTQ students and promote an inclusive environment school-wide.

Shay is a 15-year-old male who lives in a mid-size suburb. He is a sophomore at the local high school and a cross country and track runner. He is well-liked by his small group of friends, most of whom are also runners. Over the weekend, one of his friends had a party at her house and Shay attended. Although the friend's parents were home, some of Shay's running teammates snuck some alcohol into the party and passed it around.

Shay ended up having several drinks of liquor, which is something he had never done before. He felt very relaxed by the alcohol and found that it loosened his inhibited nature. Late in the evening, around a dark bonfire, he was sitting next to a track friend named Chris, and Chris reached out and placed a hand on Shay's leg. Shay, uninhibited, leaned over and kissed Chris on the cheek. Both boys said nothing after the encounter and went their separate ways at the end of the party.

The following week at school, Shay felt anxious and embarrassed. He didn't know if anyone had seen what he had done around the fire, but he felt very self-conscious about the incident. He didn't hear anyone talking about it specifically, but he just had a feeling that everyone knew and was judging him. In the hallway, Chris kept giving Shay weird looks and avoiding him. Shay saw Chris talking intently with several track friends at lunch and worried that they might be talking about the incident at the party. When one of the track teammates referred to him using a homophobic slur later that day, he knew for sure. He felt very regretful and anxious.

Shay's anxiety grew even more intense when he was asked to read a romantic poem about a man aloud in literature class. There was much giggling in the class as the poem was somewhat descriptive and graphic. He was able to complete the task, but he found himself sweating with tightness in his chest when he was finished. His embarrassment was quickly turning into full-out panic. Why had he kissed his friend? What was he going to do if everyone found out? His track friends would definitely not hang out with him anymore. Maybe he should quit the team now just to avoid dealing with it. What if his parents found out? He knew his parents would not be supportive as they often referred to people represented as LGBTQ+ on TV with slurs and disparaging remarks.

He still didn't even know how he felt about the encounter, but he felt that the people around him would definitely treat him differently and ostracize him if they knew. An older student at his school had come out as gay last year, and he was treated so poorly that he had to switch schools. He wanted to talk with someone about what had happened, but he feared that talking out loud would force him to make a decision about his own sexuality. Besides, there wasn't anyone he could think of who would understand and not judge him. Shay wishes he could go back and redo the party with very different choices.

Reference no: EM133682078

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