Analyze the main causes of accident within selected industry

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133794885

Assignment: Air Shipping Health & Safety & Main Causes of Accidents

With special emphasis on the Air Shipping, you are requested to submit a report on how Health and Safety management systems can improve Health and safety hazards occurring within this sector. The report must identify the main causes of accidents in the sector and critically analyze possible breaches of regulations that might have resulted in such accidents.

The Report must include:

This assessment is individual, and it requires each student to prepare a report of 2500 words. The report should include a critical analysis of the below-mentioned parts.

A. Introduction

I. Part I: Identify and analyze the main causes of accidents within the selected industry.

II. Part II: Identify and discuss the ways to improve Health and Safety matters occurring within industry.

III. Part III: Identify relevant legislations/standards to be followed for the implementation of HSEMS.

IV. Part IV: Provide SMART recommendations in order to avoid relevant incidents in the future.

B. Conclusions

C. References

Reference no: EM133794885

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