Analyze the legal factors for the potential claims

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Reference no: EM132473673

Assignment: Review the Sexual Harassment tutorial, which is found in the lecture. After viewing the Sexual Harassment tutorial, completing the reading, and reviewing the lecture notes in conjunction with the CO, answer the following questions about the tutorial scenario and facts.

Based upon the scenario, You will prepare a 5-8 slide PowerPoint presentation with voice over. Include the following in your presentation;

• Does the employee have a legally viable claim for quid pro quo sexual harassment and/or hostile environment sexual harassment? What is the likely outcome?

• Analyze the legal factors for the potential claim(s) in the context of the employee pursuing legal action against the employer.

• Let's shift gears. Using the same scenario, assume that you are in the HR Department of your organization, and that you were just presented with the scenario as an example used to explore policies and procedures that will avoid sexual harassment liability. Your boss has asked you to make preliminary suggestions (which will be presented to the legal counsel) regarding sexual harassment protocol that will avoid potential liability. What would your top five suggestions be and why?

Your PowerPoint presentation should be narrated This is an individual assignment.

APA standards are required to be followed for this presentation.

Reference no: EM132473673

Questions Cloud

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Analyze the legal factors for the potential claims : Analyze the legal factors for the potential claim(s) in the context of the employee pursuing legal action against the employer. Let's shift gears.
How much revenue should the firm recognize in month of march : How much revenue should the firm recognize in the month of March assuming the firm uses the earnings approach to revenue recognition?
What is the estimated budget for the fixed expense is : If sales are $600,000 and a fixed expense is $30,000. If sales are forecasted at $700,000, the estimated budget for this fixed expense is
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Conducting an evaluation of dss solutions : Identify a minimum of four (4) key elements involved in conducting an evaluation of DSS solutions. Your report should be in Microsoft Word format.


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