Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes

Assignment Help History
Reference no: EM133633632


For African American, Native American, and Latinos

  • Analyze the historical and contemporary antecedents of discrimination for the selected population along with the resulting problems.
  • Evaluate critically the theories, methods of working with the selected population, and culturally relevant research related to your selected population.
  • Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perceptions, behaviors, and interpersonal relations related to the selected population.
  • Identify potential problems and social justice concerns with which the chosen population has to deal, suggesting possible solutions and best social work practices that could be implemented in your professional setting.
  • Identify and analyze your personal competencies that can be used to improve your interaction with this selected population in your professional setting.
  • Identify specific concerns that you would need to keep in mind when using technology such as e-mail or social media when communicating with the selected population.
  • Demonstrate, through an action plan, how you will add to your cultural diversity knowledge and how you will apply these leadership skills to your social work practice. The action plan should increase knowledge of cultural diversity and application to practice through the use of technology and leadership that includes collaborative practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to advocate for appropriate services.

Reference no: EM133633632

Questions Cloud

What kind of countries are affected by that phenomenon : What kind of countries are affected by that phenomenon? How does their path to modernity differ from that of the paradigmatic English case?
Does isolation play a role in this social phenomenon : Does isolation play a role in this social phenomenon? if so, how? List 3 advantages to this type of childhood. List 3 disadvantages to this type of childhood.
Define social class using the textbook : Define social class using the textbook and class resources. Identify your social class by applying examples of social class status from the textbook.
What prompted to seek further education after high school : Could you elaborate on any particular incidents or factors that influenced your decision to pursue post-secondary education?
Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes : Analyze the influence of culture on attitudes, values, perceptions, behaviors, and interpersonal relations related to the selected population.
How might the idea of intersectionality : What does Prof. Crenshaw mean by "intersectionality"? How might the idea of "intersectionality" relate to how activist claimsmakers work on gender inequality?
What factors keep rape in prison an ongoing-harsh reality : What factors keep rape in prison an ongoing and harsh reality?
How do people struggling under oppression make a change : How do people make a difference? How do people struggling under oppression make a change?
Examine human behavior affected by social institutions : How do the readings below enable us to examine human behavior affected by social institutions, economy, organizations, work, & urbanization?


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