Analyze the impact to the given environment

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM13920725

Proposed legislation would required 48-hour notification to all neighbors (within 150 feet of your property) for all pesticide applications that may be made to your property by trained, professional applicators. This legislation is labeled "environmentally friendly." Analyze the impact to the environment. (Note that pesticides come in varying strengths with more toxic products having a longer residual impact and thus requiring less frequent application.)

Reference no: EM13920725

Questions Cloud

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Analyze the impact to the given environment : Proposed legislation would required 48-hour notification to all neighbors. This legislation is labeled "environmentally friendly." Analyze the impact to the environment.
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Where needed will become more expensive relative : Where needed (techniques generally hailed as environmentally friendly) will become more expensive relative to traditional methods of blanket treating properties.


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