Analyze the following bill of exchange and provide responses

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM133320286

Question: Analyze the following bill of exchange and provide responses to the questions following. All questions are specific to this bill of exchange.

  • Drawn under documentary credit number
  • Date November 15th 2022 For $51000.00 CAD
  • At 10 Days Sight Pay this SOLE of Exchange
  • To the order of First Traders Inc.
  • The sum of fifty-one thousand CAD dollars
  • For value received
  • To: South Interest Inc. For and on behalf of
  • Lima, Peru First Traders Inc.
  • A. Panera
  • Identify the drawer:Identify the drawee:
  • Identify the tenor:Identify the remitter:
  • Identify the acceptor:
  • Has this draft been issued for payment on demand, at a fixed date, or at a future determinable date?
  • How is this known?
  • Is this draft being used in a collection transaction or letter of credit transaction? How, is this known? (2 reasons)
  • If this bill of exchange is used in a documentary collection transaction, would it be D/P or D/A? ?
  • What is the due date of this bill of exchange?
  • If this bill of exchange is used in a clean collection transaction, what documents will the bank receive from the seller?
  • If this bill of exchange is used in a clean collection, will the seller have constructive control of the shipment? Why or why not?
  • If the buyer refuses to pay this bill of exchange who will pay it?
  • How many bills of exchange will be issued for this transaction? How is this known?
  • If this bill of exchange is accompanied by an ocean bill of lading and the seller wants constructive control of the shipment, complete the following 3 fields of the bill of lading to indicate 1 way that this can be accomplished.

Reference no: EM133320286

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