Analyze the events and the consequences that lead

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13310257

1. Analyze the events and the consequences that lead to the situation described in the bank sector and Credit Suisse Group in particular in the '90s.

2. Which general problems with the old provider can you identify?

3. What are the advantages of Credit Suisse's new supplier management/evaluation system?

4. If you were in the position of Daniel Parker, which other preventive measures would you have to consider to manage the transition process as smoothly as possible con- cerning the incumbent provider and your own supply management team?

5. Write down the most important steps of the IT-Provider-Switching management activities.

6. Daniel's team had to analyze the last two vendors across four categories. Which basic characteristic groups of the potential providers are important to find the supplier that best matches the internal requirements of the Credit Suisse Group?

7. Daniel's team had to implement the new service level agreement with the new provider. Try to describe the three key areas of managing the transition process.

8. Which quantitative and qualitative results and benefits from the transition to the new provider can you identify?

9. Which important lessons have you learned from this case study?

Attachment:- Credit Suisse.pdf

Reference no: EM13310257

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