Reference no: EM131217192
Assignment 1
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Outcomes:
Examine the issue of data flow and selecting the network media.
Test techniques for IP allocation and subnet design.
Analyze the difference between static and dynamic routing protocols.
Explain the difference in distance vector and link state protocols.
Course Outcomes:
IT535- 1: Analyze switching, LAN, and Internet routing protocols.
Assignment Instructions
For IPv4, IANA specifies three private sets of IP address spaces, -,, and - As noted in Discussion 2 for Unit 1, all systems addressed with a private address cannot be seen across the public Internet. The most commonly used method for allowing a system using a private IP address to access the public Internet is NAT (network address translation), although there are a few other methods. Research IPv4 NAT and analyze the general advantages and disadvantages to using NAT for a LAN. What are the security implications of using IPv4 NAT? How does the IPv6 version of NAT differ from IPv4 NAT? Will NAT still be necessary once a LAN has been migrated to IPv6? Why would you not simply use public IP addresses on the LAN, rather than NAT?
1. Based on your research, write an 8 to 10 page paper that analyzes the use of NAT in both IPv4 and IPv6. Contrast and compare the uses, similarities, and differences between the two versions.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment:
Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document and save it as Username-IT535 AssignmentUnit#.doc (Example: TAllen- IT535 Assignment-Unit1.doc). Submit your file by selecting the Unit 1:
Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 1.
Assignment Requirements:
All papers must meet these standard requirements:
Paper follows APA formatting.
Length is 8-10 pages long, not including references and cover page.
No more than three bulleted or listed points per paper.
No more than one direct quote per page from a reference source and those quotes must be properly cited within the body and in the references at the end of the paper.
Title page
Reference page.
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