Reference no: EM133113750
Question 1. Elaborate on the Factor Endowments Theory, which stems from cost. Who are the protagonists? Has evidence been given for it?
Question 2. Analyze Economies of Scale as a cause of trade. Who are the protagonists? Has evidence been given for it?
Question 3. Expound on the reasons inducing China to have the twin surpluses.
Question 4. Describe the different accounts of the current account of the balance of payments.
Question 5. Two factors influence exports and imports of goods and services (or the current account.) They are competitiveness of the nation and the income level of it. Expound.
Question 6. Elaborate on the financial account of the balance of payments.
Question 7. Discuss the type of goods and services, which nations trade mainly. Ascertain that you separate poor from rich nations in trading. Also, what is the direction of most of the trade?
Question 8. Analyze the demand reasons for trade of Stephan Burmeister Linder.
Question 9. How does the economy relate to the current account. Be thorough.