Analyze the declaration of independence

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Reference no: EM131508216 , Length: word count:450

POS-301: We the People Essay Questions

Respond to the following questions in 150-200 words each.

1. Analyze the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution. Explain the significance of these founding documents and how they altered the concept of government that had prevailed in society before their creation.

2. What does it mean to be a part of "We the People"? What rights do "We the People" have and where do those rights come from?

3. How has the term "American" changed from the founding of the nation through today?

Reference no: EM131508216

Questions Cloud

Reflect on your own personal strengths and interests : Reflect on your own personal strengths and interests. What is it you are most passionate about from all the concepts you have studied in this program? Why?
What were the sources of conflict between bell and sharpe : Two friends and neighbours arrange to go into business together and then become bitter rivals: This is the story of Bob Bell and Michael Sharpe.
Why is the suggested action the best thing to do : WHAT are the issues? HOW should they address the issues? WHEN should they take specific actions? WHY is the suggested action the best thing to do?
Personal and or professional life : Identify and explain two reasons why you are resistant to change in your personal and or professional life.
Analyze the declaration of independence : Analyze the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the U.S. Constitution.
Understanding of emotional intelligence : What is your definition and understanding of "emotional intelligence"?
Contrast the bases of power and influence tactics : What are some of the key contingency variables that determine which tactic a power holder is likely to use?
Amendments to the constitution make up the bill of rights : The first 10 amendments to the Constitution make up the Bill of Rights, written by James Madison. Pick one of the first ten amendments and give an explanation.
What creates dependency : Which of the six bases of power lie with the individual? Which are derived from the organization?


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