Analyze the database environment

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131600821

Assignment: Database Environment Proposal

As one of the program outcomes for the Bachelor of Science in Information Technology program, students must design and develop a database using professional principles and standards.

Write a 1- to 2-page memo in which you complete the following:

• Choose a database application from the following:

o An appropriate database environment within your workplace.
o An Art Museum that needs to track the artwork, artists, and locations where the art is displayed or stored within the museum.
o A similar environment that you have has some experience with in the past.
o Analyze the database environment.
o Describe the problems and constraints.
o Describe the objectives of the database environment.
o Describe the scope and boundaries.
o List the data specifications (must include a minimum of three entities with attributes).

Include 2 or 3 references.

Format your memo based on the memo format found in the Center for Writing Excellence.

Format citations using APA format.

Reference no: EM131600821

Questions Cloud

Define what type of training should be required : what type of training should be required, which officers should receive the training, should promotions
Determine the volume of air : An air compressor draws in 800 cf of free air at a gauge pressure of 0 psi and a temperature of 130°F. The atmospheric pressure is 12.20 psi.
How often should criminal justice employees : As leaders, can we encourage ethical behavior, If so, how can you ensure ethical behavior, If not, why can't you effect ethical behavior
Should the uninsured be insured : The United States has over 46 million people without health insurance. It is also expected that the number of uninsured individuals will increase.
Analyze the database environment : Analyze the database environment. An appropriate database environment within your workplace. Describe the objectives of the database environment.
What will be the pressure at the air tool : What will be the pressure at the air tool end of an 85-ft long, I-in diameter hose if the tool requires 120 cfm? The pressure entering the hose is 90 psi.
Is there any way that something like eugenics can be used : Is there any way that something like eugenics can be used for good? Also, why was their so much deception used to perform the sterilizations ?
Discuss the plain touch doctrine : the plain touch doctrine, allowing officers to seize what, using the sense of touch during a lawful patdown without a warrant
Problem related to the pipeline : If the air from the end of a pipeline is delivered through 50 ft of 1~-in. hose to a rock drill that requires 120 cfm of air.


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