Analyze the data collected in your survey

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131666893


Length: Approx 4 pages

In this paper, you will analyze the data collected in your survey. Another name for this step is Data Reduction. In other words, you will take the data you collected and "reduce" it to meaningful patterns or themes. You may use Microsoft Excel for the basic Statistical (Spreadsheet) Analysis.

Also consider using pie charts or graphs to illustrate important trends in your data.

This paper should be written in the following format (subheadings).

a. Introduction (Basically re-state the main organizational issue.)

b. Method: Sample size, Data Entry & Preparation (Transfer raw data from survey to your excel spreadsheet. Any incomplete responses?)

c. Statistical Analysis: (Discuss your analysis of survey trends and outcomes.)

d. Response Patterns and/or Themes.

E. Summary: (Give your thoughts on the data obtained and what it potentially means for the organization or population.)

Reference no: EM131666893

Questions Cloud

Planning the next generation of smartwatches : You are planning the next generation of smartwatches (for all current as well as emerging market segments) by stablishing a new firm.
Completeness of the responses : Keep track of the timeliness, correctness, and completeness of the responses. Describe them and characterize your overall experience.
Calculate the shortest path on the new graph : Consider the following algorithm to solve the negative-weighted, shortest-path problem: Add a constant c to each edge cost, thus removing negative edges.
Relationship building techniques as possible : Visit one B2C and one B2B Web site. Examine each carefully, identifying as many relationship building techniques as possible.
Analyze the data collected in your survey : In this paper, you will analyze the data collected in your survey. Another name for this step is Data Reduction.
Review factors that hinder organization''s ability to learn : "Review the factors that hinder an organization's ability to learn from success and failure.
Show how to solve given version of the shortest path problem : Suppose that in a directed graph, the cost of the path is the sum of the edge costs on the path PLUS the number of edges on the path.
What is an example of a time where you faced a situation : What is an example of a time where you faced a situation that was out of your control? How did you handle the situation and how did it impact your motivation?
Prove the correctness of the negative-weighted algorithm : Prove the correctness of the negative-weighted, shortest-path algorithm. To do so, show that when the eyeball visits vertex v for the ith time.


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