Reference no: EM131633105
This assignment is structured through the learning objectives from our evaluation and discussion on whiteness and white privilege as found in the respective module, and readings from Kerbo -chapter 3. Provide a critical analysis on the below prompts;
o Evaluate the learning outcomes from the two video segments "White Privilege" and BillO'Reilly "The Truth about White Privilege". Given our discussions and other readings surrounding this topic, provide a comparative analysis on the key findings promoted through these video segments.
o Analyze the concepts of Whiteness and "Colorism" through the readings in Kerbo -Chapter 3 to explain the role each of these concepts share in societies defined through racial stratification and inequality.
o What are your thoughts of enlightenment on these explored topics?
o 1 -2 page(s).
o Typed
o Single-space
o 12-font size, Times Roman
Although highly subjective, your completed assignment will be evaluated for critical thought and content relevance. In this condensed writing, you are to,
1. Provide provocative thoughts beyond surface-level explanations.
2. Extract key findings from readings to validate your assertions (use the literature to avoida clearly subjective opinion).
3. Review the rubric guidelines to assist in framing your writing.