Analyze the company''s strategic approach

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13796294

Select either an international service organization or a multinational corporation and conduct a preliminary assessment of their website.
In your review:

Explain your initial impression of the organization based upon your initial review of their corporate website.

Analyze their Vision, Mission and Goals in reference to the company's competitive strategy, branding and messaging

Analyze the company's strategic approach to globalization and their approach to competition, sustainability, CSR, marketing, analysis (external, internal, industry), and cross border issues

Examine the company's financials included in their most recent annual report and review the profit margin statement from the CEO. What conclusions can you draw from their financial statements?

Evaluate the firm's Corporate Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. What expectations are presented in the policy? Explain the tangibility of the company's policies

Include an organizational assessment using SWOT or Porter's Five Forces

Explain the company's capacity to be able to fulfill strategic missions while increasing profit margin

Include an Introduction and Summary statement in your review.

Reference no: EM13796294

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