Analyze the company''s existing risk management

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM13830175

The following are specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment:

Explain the influence of leverage and risk on financial planning.

Develop a corporate strategy based on basic financial reports.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in advanced financial management.
Write clearly and concisely about advanced financial management using proper writing mechanics


We'd like you to design and develop strategy for a large public company using the themes within the two modules we've just completed: risk management and the international module. Essentially, we'd like to put you into the shoes of the CEO and design a few key strategies that would help grow earnings and reduce risk in the company's operations.

Let's get a bit more specific. Pick a public company (preferably one you've examined before) and examine what the company is doing now, both in terms of risk management and global strategy. In particular, here's what we recommend you do:

Pull up the company's annual report (10-K).

Read the entire section titled "Item 1" (includes items describing the general business) and "Item 1A" (also known as the risks section).

Then, read the section titled "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations."

Next, examine the company's international business situation. Sometimes this information is located in a section called "Operating Segments"; other times it is not. You might have to dig around for this info.

Also, search the document (hitting CTRL+F usually does the trick) and enter keywords that include "derivatives" and "hedging."

What do you see? What is the business doing right now?

Write a 3-4 page paper in which you do the following:

1. Analyze the company's existing risk management and international strategies.

2. Prescribe new strategies for the business based on what they are and are not doing now in these areas

Reference no: EM13830175

Questions Cloud

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Calculating number of tickets sold by college theater : Set up a system of equations and solve the problem. The college theatre, collected $1300 from the sale of 450 tickets. If the tickets were sold for $2.50 and $3.50, how many tickets were sold at each price?
Analyze the company''s existing risk management : Analyze the company's existing risk management and international strategies. Prescribe new strategies for the business based on what they are and are not doing now in these areas
Explain the civilization on easter island : The problem is an article review of Easter's End Discovery by Jared Diamond. The article is explain the civilization on Easter Island. The article starts by saying that the people on Easter Island had driven the animals to extinction.
Labor cost combination for producing two products : Write an equation describing the relationship between the two variables
Relationship between the two variables : Write an equation describing the relationship between the two variables
Affect the mitigation of hurricane hazards : Compare how many hours in advance we know where a hurricane will strike with how many hours it takes to evacuate cities along the Gulf coast. How does this affect the mitigation of hurricane hazards?


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