Financial Position
Current Assets, Excluding Merchandise Inventory Merchandise inventory
Property, Plant and Equipment Net
Total Assets
Current liabilities
Long-term Debt
Stockholders' Equity
Financial Ratios
kid-Test Rat°
Rate of Ret fen co Total Assets
Rate of Return on Common Stockholders' Equity
S 30.700 24,500 51.400 106.600 32.300 23.000 51,300
1.0 17.2% 315%
5 27,200 22,600 45,200 95,000 28,000 21,500 45,500
1.0 14.4% 269%
$ 26.700 21.700 40.000 88,400 28,300 17,600 42,500
0.9 112% 20.8%
S 24.400 19,030 35,100 78,500 25,000 19,100 34,400
1.0 8.1% 13.5%
$ 21,500 17,500 25,600 64,600 16,500 12.000 36,100
1.3 7.1% 13.0%