Analyze the communication issues from the case study

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133539268

Analyze the communication issues from the case study. Explain how the employees from each company are likely to react to the cross-cultural training. What kind of questions or potential opposition may they have? Consider both the interests of the organization and those of the employees impacted by the changes.

Define the cultural context as it relates to professional communications, considering both the organizational culture and the different countries where employees live and work.
Apply the Hofstede Dimensions and what you know of high and low context cultures, the use of social media across cultures, and direct and indirect messages.
Develop one integrated strategic communication plan that communicates the challenges faced by both Duracell and Nanfu and why cross-cultural training is necessary. Required elements of your communication plan include:
A definition of the audiences the organization is trying to reach.
Three to five key messages that will formulate the core of all communications activities (these must be written out in detail as much as possible
Clear and simple communications goals (i.e., why we are communicating).
Communication strategies for each goal. Consider the cultural context for your audiences and be explicit about why you propose the strategies and how they are appropriate given the goals and context.
Communication tools for each goal (e.g., print materials, websites, social media, and social media monitoring). How will you deliver the message? How will you listen and respond to questions? Be specific in describing your approach to using technology with your multi-cultural audiences (e.g., how can email be enhanced or supplemented for a high-context culture?).
On-ground activities such as management meetings, employee events, and speaking engagements.
A realistic assessment of potential obstacles. Consider how communication technology can both facilitate and hinder intercultural relationships.
A visual timeline for implementation of this plan, including key action dates


Reference no: EM133539268

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