Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131682859

Research the following in your community or surrounding area:
- One walk-in clinic, such as urgent care
- One retail clinic in your local grocery store or drug store
- No appointment physician's office

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that includes the above centers and addresses the following:
- Analyze the changing landscape of the health care system.
o Differentiate the various places health care is delivered.
- Analyze what impact cultural demographics have on the health care market.
o Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on cultural demographics.
o Analyze the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to various cultures.
o Analyze the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing within different cultural demographics.
- Differentiate what effect different generations have on the health care market.
- Analyze the targeted audience of the clinic or office based on generational demographics.
o Differentiate the effectiveness of the marketing approach for the clinic or office to various generations.
o Differentiate the marketing techniques that could be used to improve the marketing within different generations.
- Analyze the impact of media and social networking on consumer choices.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.

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There are a variety of public as well as private organizations in the country that delivers healthcare facilities to the citizens of the country. Mostly the public and private organizations deliver services which are either for profit as well as for non-profit. Thus the marketing techniques have been discussed in order to underpin the activities sustained within the firm.

Reference no: EM131682859

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10/17/2017 1:02:42 AM

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