Reference no: EM131590162
Analyze Sunset Boulevard in terms of what we have been studying: for example, the history of film (the development of the movie at mid-twentieth century, censorship, the protagonist-antagonist; omniscient narrative; the "star"; costumes, setting, mise-en-scene, the coming of sound, the genre, etc.
Provide examples! Not only examples from Sunset Boulevard, but examples from the films we have studied. For example: if you describe Joe Gillis in Sunset Boulevard as a "protagonist," explain how and why he is so-what are his actions? What happens to him? Who is his antagonist? How does this relationship promote interest and tension?
Movies to use as examples Citizen Kane, Baby Face, The Grand Hotel, Stagecoach, The Jazz Singer, Casablanca, Dance Hall, The Cheat, A midsummer Nights Dream, Birth of Nation. These movies can be used as examples when explaining censorship, sound and the others listed above.