Analyze something about education that comes from tiktok

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Reference no: EM133637153


Time for the project of your choosing. All it has to do is relate to some aspect of popculture and some aspect of education. Some possibilities:

1. Present and analyze something about education that comes from TikTok, IG, Twitter, Facebook or some other form of social media;

2. Provide content inspired by our class and designed for social media (e.g., memes, tweets, etc.);

3. Provide some commentary that extend our class discussion of the graphic novel, New Kid.

4. Interview a favorite teacher or someone else about the ideas generated in this class and provide a brief writ-up of the interview (you could even record and post the interviews for the class). The sky is the limit here and I will be happy to use some class time to brainstorm more possibilities. If the creative juices aren't flowing, a good fall-back plan is to complete a second critical review.

PLEASE READ: The prompt above is just ideas please come up with something creative!! It needs to be a bit lengthy not something that was put together last minute. Any questions ask me!

Reference no: EM133637153

Questions Cloud

Example of their politics or a reflection of their history : We read an example of their politics or a reflection of their history? Why and how? How should we understand the story differently because of their politics.
Discuss children about what would like to know about bees : You then led a discussion with the children about what they would like to know about bees. They replied: I want to know if they all sting.
Write a achivements and goal of early childhood educator : Achivements and goal of early childhood educator. Write one paragraph with 100 words?
How does his autobiography mirror : How does the excerpt from Malcolm X's autobiography make him seem more like a real human being than the violent radical history often makes him out to be?
Analyze something about education that comes from tiktok : Present and analyze something about education that comes from TikTok, IG, Twitter, Facebook or some other form of social media;
Is calling good or bad for a crickets fitness : When it comes to crickets, what does fitness mean? Is calling good or bad for a cricket's fitness?
How does the political activism of harry potter fans : How does the political activism of Harry Potter fans illustrate a key idea from reception studies?
What is the meaning of the lexical root-plic-ply : What is the meaning of the lexical root, PLIC, PLY?
What is the meaning of the lexical root-alter-ali : What is the meaning of the lexical root, ALTER, ALI?


Write a Review

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