Analyze size-profitability-operating methods and strategy

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM133378183

Lodgit - A home away from home for international students.

Lodgit is an app/website that provides housing accommodation for international students in Canada. The app provides accessible accommodation for international students by bringing all the stakeholders together. Lodgit links Universities, landlords, real estate agents and vendors to help international students settle in Canada.

Lodgit mission statement is "To enhance international student's experience by providing the best of quality homes, delivered with thoughtfulness and care." The main focus of this mission statement is the advantages that international students get by choosing Lodgit as their preferred platform. In fact, the mission statement reads like a promise to give them nothing less than exceptional services. Lodgit focuses on being the best in the accommodation sector to help international students settle in Canada. The company hopes to achieve this ambition through exceptional services. Lodgit acknowledges the uncertainty of finding a place before arriving in Canada. However, to achieve its position, Lodgit is taking its branding to another level as a premium manager of international students' expectation of housing with a better value proposition than what exists in the market through the navigation of stumbling blocks presented by existing platforms.

1. List your competitors in your industry segment and describe their characteristics.

2. Analyze their size, profitability, operating methods, and strategy.

3. What are their relative strengths and weaknesses compared both with each other and with your business?

4. Based on this competitor analysis, what do you believe are the critical factors for success in your business sector?

5. What is unique about your business proposition that makes your product/service stand out from the competition?

Reference no: EM133378183

Questions Cloud

Examine various advertisements for sports-related products : Examine various advertisements for sports-related products such as sporting goods, athletics apparel, sports drinks,
Are the brands marketing communication materials integrated : Are the brand's marketing communication materials integrated? How or how not?
Authentic brand are known as counterfeit goods : Fake products that are designed to resemble an authentic brand are known as counterfeit goods.
How should they respond to these competitive threats : How should they respond to these competitive threats? Are they currently responding in ways that match the chapter's content? Explain.
Analyze size-profitability-operating methods and strategy : List your competitors in your industry segment and describe their characteristics. Analyze their size, profitability, operating methods, and strategy.
Discuss some of extraneous factors : Discuss some of the extraneous factors which can be factored into determining whether it is an advantage to enter a market early or late.
Summary on book peoples pattern by montgomery : Give a long summary on the book "peoples pattern" by Montgomery, Stephen and include abstract, introduction, summarize each chapter, conclusion.
Implementing effective marketing strategy : Why do companies use market segmentation, market targeting, differentiation, and positioning in implementing an effective marketing strategy?
Forces of monster energy drink company : Explain in brief the Porter's 5 Forces of Monster Energy Drink Company


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