Analyze security requirements and develop a security policy

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Reference no: EM13347960

Analyze security requirements and develop a security policy that fully addresses them. The project will enable the student to see and understand the need standards in practice, as well as the details that should be covered within the security policy documentation.

Detailed Requirements

Optional and Ungraded Project

• Using the GDI Case Study below, complete the Security Policy Document Outline.

• Provide a one or two-page Security Policy Document Outline. The Outline should cover all aspects of the security policy document and convey the accurate and appropriate information for the stakeholders to make the appropriate decision.

• Ungraded but instructor will provide feedback to make sure students are on-track. This outline can become major part of the "Executive Summary" of the final deliverable.


• Using the GDI Case Study, complete the Security Policy Document.

• Provide a seven- to ten-page analysis summarizing the security policy to the executive management team of GDI. The student designs effective real-time security and continuous monitoring measures to mitigate any known vulnerabilities, prevent future attacks, and deter any real-time unknown threats; and also efficiently meets the organization's objectives. The summary should effectively describe the security policy in a manner that will allow the Senior Management to understand the organizational security requirements and make the appropriate decisions to enforce.

Case study:

Global Distribution, Inc. (GDI)

Global Distribution, Inc. (GDI) is a distribution company that manages thousands of accounts across Canada, the United States, and Mexico. A public company traded on the NYSE, GDI specializes in supply chain management and in coordinating the warehousing, staging, distribution, transportation, and wholesaler/VAR relationship for their customers.

GDI employs over 3,200 employees and has been experiencing consistent growth keeping pace with S&P averages (approximately 8%) for nearly six years. A well-honed management strategy built on scaling operational performance through automation and technological innovation has propelled the company into the big leagues; GDI was only recently profiled in Fortune Magazine.
The executive management team of GDI



Reference no: EM13347960

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