Analyze real-world business problems

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM132242610

Integrated Business Portfolio

As part of the capstone experience, students are expected to compile a reflective document that addresses the following program outcomes for the Masters of Business Administration degree.

  • Analyze real-world business problems and generate recommendations for action.
  • Integrate accounting, marketing, finance, management, and economics into a strategic business analysis.
  • Assess the impact of the global business environment on business situations.
  • Apply quantitative methods of analysis of business situations.
  • Perform ethically and professionally in business and society.
  • Communicate effectively to relevant audiences orally and in written materials.
  • Collaborate in teams to produce required deliverables.
  • Apply project management skills to business situations.
  • Assess the ethical implications of actions for diverse stakeholders.

Photograph of an open file, calculator, and pen on financial data and graphs

The integrated business portfolio is comprised of learning statements and support evidences, which address all POs of the degree program. For each PO, you will create at least three (3) learning statements and identify at least two (2) sources of coursework (as evidence) to demonstrate your learning achievement for the PO. Your learning statements for each PO should be no more than one page in length.

This document will include a cover sheet, professional résumé, one-page reflective statements for each program outcome, and, if applicable, a reference page. The portfolio must meet APA guidelines and have a total of nine pages, not including cover and bibliography.

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The task deals with analyzing a real-world business problems and generate recommendations for action. In addition, a professional resume has been made. The outcomes are presented in the form of reflection. Concentration outcome and business portfolio are discussed in the task.

Reference no: EM132242610

Questions Cloud

Create a policy that would benefit your organization : Consider the organization where you work, or an organization where you would like to work if you are not currently employed.
Visions statements in the strategic-management process : What are (2) characteristics of a good mission statement? What are (2) characteristics of a good vision statement? Please provide examples or analogies.
What are the four main areas of competency a client : What are the four main areas of competency a client company is looking for in a project manager?
Discuss the validity of the concept : In Weird Rules of Creativity, there are many "out there" concepts. Choose one and discuss the validity of the concept or why you do not think it is a good idea
Analyze real-world business problems : Analyze real-world business problems and generate recommendations for action - Apply quantitative methods of analysis of business situations
Who does your subject credit with his or her success : Give an example while profiling an entrepreneur who has inspired you in some way. This entrepreneur does not necessarily need to be famous.
Draw a diagram-model of a business process : Using Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, or a drawing program of your choice, draw a diagram/model of a business process with which you are familiar.
Why is this such a heated subject in many boardrooms : Critically reflect on the importance of capital budgeting. Why is this such a heated subject in many boardrooms?
Transform the deposit data to create the dependent variables : Assignment - Need the code, and will need help with interpretation. Transform the deposit data to create the dependent variables for models (2)-(4)


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