Reference no: EM131632533
Essay outlines for four of the possible five prompts
"From the five essay prompts below, three will be chosen to be included on the exam. On the day of the exam you will be given the following instructions for the essays:
"Select two of the following three questions and answer them in the form of essays that demonstrate your command of the readings and the material presented in lectures and discussion sections.
Present coherent arguments and spell out why you take the stands you do. Define all key terms, organize your answers clearly, and cite your sources. Strong exams will not use the same case evidence in both essays. Essays are worth 10 points each."
Today, advanced democracies face significant challenges. Did any of the political theorists we read foresee these challenges? Did any of them provide defenses of democracy, notwithstanding their shortcomings? Analyze three of the following theorists - Nietzsche, Russell, Marx, Weber, Constant, Durkheim - and explain how they would defend or critique democracy in advanced industrialized countries today. Which theorist is most relevant?
Analyze political and social life in Iran through the lens of three of the following theorists: Nietzsche, Russell, Marx, Weber, Constant, Durkheim. Which theory most convincingly explains why the rulers act as they do and why activists resist the regime? Be sure to draw examples from the readings.
We have discussed theories of what is required for democracy (including Dahl's procedural minimums for democracy) and seen examples of democracy in practice. Are protections of civil liberties and civil rights necessary prerequisites for a functional democracy?
Or are elections sufficient to guarantee a democratic regime? Make reference to minimalist and maximalist definitions of democracy in your argument.
Consider democratic regimes in advanced industrial and developing countries. Do all democracies suffer from the same problems, or do new democracies face greater challenges? Why? Discuss at least one advanced democracy and one new democracy.
Democracy is under assault in many countries around the world, with elected leaders taking steps to limit political competition. How can leaders who win elections undermine democratic institutions?
According to Dahl's 7-point scale, what are the specific features of democracy that are most vulnerable? Why? Be sure to clearly define all key terms and support your argument with examples from specific countries.