Analyze personal privacy issues

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13761129

New Privacy Issues Related to Cyberspace

Objective: Analyze personal privacy issues related to various personal and business-related cybersecurity scenarios.

Competencies: Critical thinking, communication skills

Select three organizations within the same industry for analysis --

1. Students should pick one industry from the displayed list below, and within that single industry, name 3 organizations for analysis. Industry: Telecommunications, Organizations: AT&T, Verizon, Sprint

2. Describe the mission of each (from their website), and examine and compare details of each stated privacy policy, then

3. For each organization, recommend policy changes that will enable each organization to (a) use sensitive customer information to increase business advantage and profitability, and (b) also protect customer personal information to avoid possible privacy or liability issues.

You may need to use trade journals and newspaper stories in your reference list. However, try to avoid opinion pieces (like blogs) that may not be factual. You may state your own opinions, but these must be strengthened by scholarly references.

Reference no: EM13761129

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