Analyze our own diet and make dietary recommendation

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132147066

Question: Dietary recommendation and analysis project

In this project, you will use software to analyze our own diet and make dietary recommendation. You will need submit a report. You can choose any of software if you find them online or somewhere else to complete this project.

After you have evaluated our own diet, we also want to know what kind of risk we are at due to the diet that we are on. Please use the dietary analysis result from your dietary report and see if you are at any risk of chronic disease, such as, heart disease, cancer, etc, based on your gender, age, and physical activity level. Please list the reasons WHY or why NOT you are at any risk of chronic disease. And please include your Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for protein, fiber, vitamin E, folate, and one of minerals that could impose any risk on your health.

The risk assessment part will be a one-page essay.

Reference no: EM132147066

Questions Cloud

Find the probability that the number of smokers : Consider a simple random sample of 17 adults. Find the probability that the number of smokers in the sample will be between 5 and 9, inclusive.
Articulate your plan for working with teaching colleagues : Describe a strategy, intervention, or some other action that you might implement to address the problem you identified in your research question(s).
Find the probability that it will be defective : If a model is selected at random, find the probability that it will be defective. Please round the answer to 2 or 3 decimal places.
Local postal carrier distributes first-class letters : A local postal carrier distributes first-class letters, advertisements, and magazines. For a certain day, she distributed the following number for each type of
Analyze our own diet and make dietary recommendation : In this project, you will use software to analyze our own diet and make dietary recommendation. You will need submit a report. You can choose any of software.
How did the visual representations assist in analyzing data : What process or steps did you take in collecting your data? Describe these steps in detail. Was the data you collected formative, summative, or both?
What is the study design : Out of 5,000 physically active men, 500 had prostate cancer. 1,000 physically inactive men had prostate cancer.
How did this course most impact my thinking about sex : How would you present what you learned to someone else if I had only two minutes to summarize it? Give an ‘elevator speech' about your topic.
Explain two strengths and two limitations of each model : Explain why each one resonates with you, specifically in terms of how you might conduct work in the area of crisis intervention.


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