Analyze options available for issues with employee turnover

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133595701


You are the Vice President of Human Resources (VP of HR) for CapraTek. The Western sales division has had more turnover than any other part of the company. Since 2010, there have been six different sets of directors and deputy directors for the organization. In three years, the Western sales division has lost 80% of its clients. The other sales division has only lost 2% of its clients. The marketing-science office at the corporate level has been deeply involved in redesigning product development and sales processes, which have become more complicated. It has also become harder for customers to qualify for financing. These actions, while presented as quality efforts, have not led to positive outcomes. Over time, these conditions have raised prices above all competitors. While the organization's products are of great quality, it could be some products are over-engineered and possibly too taste specific.

Aside from the low morale, the level of turnover at the senior ranks of the division has done harm to employees at all levels of the division. Frontline sales professionals, supervisors, support staff, support leaders, middle managers, and stakeholders are confused about quality standards and approval stages. The CapraTek CEO and COO have consistently selected sales directors and deputy directors from outside the organization, but all were soon terminated for poor performance. The next set of directors was selected internally from the sales professionals, and they were also terminated after about 18 months. Additionally, the job description for this position has been studied and refined multiple times; this is not the issue or answer for this assignment.

Analyze options available for addressing issues with employee turnover, product development and the sales process, rise in product prices, and operational morale.

  • Weigh the pros and cons of taking each action.
  • Determine whether you would take each action.

Explain how available options could be executed.

  • Explain briefly what steps you would take to accomplish any of the actions you would choose to take.

Provide the rationale for each decision to either take or not take a course of action.

  • Describe key factors that influenced your decision.
  • Include material from your references to support your conclusions.

Reference no: EM133595701

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