Analyze operations of one of its international subsidiary

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM131510636 , Length: word count:2000

Task: Select a multinational enterprise (MNE), and analyze the operations of one of its international subsidiary. There is no restriction on which country the MNE is from or the industry. The subsidiary selected cannot be in any of the countries analyzed in Assessment task 2.

The report should identify issues that explain the subsidiary's performance. Particular attention should be paid to issues such as competition in the subsidiary's host country, and analysis of the strategy used by the MNE in the host country. The relevant information may be collected from annual reports or other published articles such as those available from the library electronic database, as well as other media.

The assessment will be marked on the quality of the identification description and analysis of critical strategic issues; the inclusion of appropriate material data and the provision of enough scope for strategic issues; the inclusion of appropriate material data and the provision of enough scope for detailed analysis; and grammar and written English.

Personal interviews are not recommended since confidentially and ethical considerations have to be observed. You must do relevant additional research (apart from accessing the information on websites of the company) to successfully complete your analysis.

Length: 2000 words

Reference no: EM131510636

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