Reference no: EM131161888 , Length:
Strategy, Innovation, Planning, and Ethics
Select a publicly traded organization that has demonstrated success in its industry in the last five (5) years. Using this organization, address the following:
• Recap the key points of theory covered for strategy, innovation, planning, and ethics, comparing and contrasting each.
• Identify an innovation strategy example (blue ocean, disruptive, fast second, or value) for your case study organization.
• Determine which innovation strategy theory best fits this case study organization:
- Explain what this organization did to create or develop and seize this opportunity.
- Define which innovation theory fits this opportunity.
- Explain how you reached your conclusion. What evidence did you use to make this determination?
Analyze the implications of the organization's innovation strategy on growth. Has the organization been able to sustain success? What are its prospects for the future?
Identify and assess the factors that affected the organization's success (or failure).
Analyze how the application of strategic management and planning has played a part in defining the organization's ongoing innovation strategies and business model.
Analyze where and how ethics and sustainability affect the organization's innovation strategy and execution.
Your submitted paper must meet the following requirements:
• Correlate your responses to the text readings and assigned articles.
• Use a minimum of five (5) PRJ, PJ, and other references in addition to the assigned unit readings.
• Be a minimum of 1800 words in length.
• Follow APA (6th edition) guidelines for style and format, including a cover page and headings.
Be sure you have clearly defined your theory and can support your case study with validated information.
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