Reference no: EM132358468
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TEXTBOOK INFORMATION Title: Essentials of Health Policy and Law
Edition: 3rd (2017) Author: Teitelbaum, Joel and Wilensky, Sara
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett Book
ISBN: 9781284162585
Ebook ISBN: 9781284158793
Chapter 8: "Understanding Health Insurance"
Chapter 10: "National Health Reform"
The special interest group theory states that the political venue can be treated like any private market for goods and services so that amounts and types of legislation are determined by supply and demand for such legislation The successful politician stays in office by combining legislative programs of various special interest groups into an overall fiscal package to be advanced in the political arena. The government can promote efficiency and equity by providing public goods, levying taxes, correcting for externalities, imposing regulations, enforcing antitrust laws, operating public enterprises, and sponsoring redistribution programs. What criterion should be using to analyze the impact of healthcare reform on insurance coverage, health system and patient outcome and financing success or failure?