Analyze how your beliefs lay the groundwork for strategies

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133568759

Homework: Human Resource Management

For this homework you are asked to build upon the Unit 2 Homework and delve deeper into how your cultural roots may have some influence on your thinking about the helping process.

Be sure to address all of the following in your homework:

Question 1. Describe the helping process. What do you personally think it means to help?

Question 2. For the questions below, be sure to make connections in your writing as to the role your life experiences and beliefs play into the work you will do with diverse clients.

Question A. How might your cultural roots influence your thinking about the helping process?

Question B. How might your beliefs influence the suggestions you make to clients?

Question C. Analyze how your beliefs lay the groundwork for the strategies from which you will draw in working with diverse individuals, families, and groups.

Question 3. Focusing on the stages of the helping process as described in the text, what do you consider to be the most important tasks of a human service professional in each of the different stages?

Question A. Describe some of the challenges that you might experience as a helper in each of the stages.

Question 4. Reflect on any biases or prejudices (i.e., hot buttons) that might interfere with your learning to become an effective helper.

Question A. What types of client and client issues will be the most difficult for you to work with, and why?

Question B. What type(s) of client(s) will you be most drawn to work with, and why?

Question C. Describe how you may recognize challenges in your work and what can you do to work on those areas that are limitations.

Reference no: EM133568759

Questions Cloud

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What do you think about america as a city upon a hill : What was the idea that Massachusetts Bay Colony was a "city upon a hill"? What do you think about America as a "city upon a hill"?
Analyze how your beliefs lay the groundwork for strategies : Analyze how your beliefs lay the groundwork for the strategies from which you will draw in working with diverse individuals, families, and groups.
How does disability fit into the history of the civil war : Did masculinity have a role in the war? What happened to women in the war? What about economics? How did the war change the economics of the United States?
How it has impacted united states history-whether good : provide descriptive inference paragraph explaining your historical event and why, based on your historical deduction, how it has impacted United States history
What would be the most important issues that employees need : Once this job is filled, what would be the most important issues that the employee's supervisor might need to address?
What type of culture do i want to establish with my students : What type of culture do I want to establish with my students? What culture are they coming with? What is my own? Does it align or is it different?


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