Reference no: EM132474620
Assignment: Competency: Analyze health needs, disparities, and healthcare delivery systems within the context of cultural, social, legal, political, and economic forces.
Instructions: You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year there were approximately 62,000 emergency visits and 15,000 admissions. More than 6,000 outpatient and 10,000 inpatient surgeries were performed.
After the first series of training, your CEO decided that employees would benefit from an online self-check after completing the training. You are tasked with developing a PowerPoint presentation with a list of questions that ask about liability protections for the physicians and the facility. Correct answers should be provided in the notes so that employees can check their responses.
Please prepare a PowerPoint presentation (or feel free to use other shareable Webware/software that you prefer) with questions that check employee understanding about the liability protections for physicians and the facility.
1. The PowerPoint presentation should be a minimum of 8 slides and a maximum of 12. (Here is a library resource for help creating a PowerPoint presentation.)
2. On each slide, provide a question that can be utilized to ascertain basic understanding. Open-ended questions are preferable.
3. Use the notes area on each slide to provide the answer with a thorough explanation of why that answer is correct.
4. Include a slide that provides links to 3-5 resources for employees who want more information.
5. Your final slide should be the reference page for sources cited in the Notes.
NOTE - APA formatting, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form required. APA help is available.
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