Analyze good health hospitals records

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM131806480

Assignment: Applications of Epidemiology - A Case Study 

The situation at Good Health Hospital has become a bit overwhelming ever since the outbreak of E. coli in Ward 10 on the second floor. It appears that there are six (6) cases of the disease.

To better understand the situation, communication with the CDC has revealed that this particular bacterium can be found in many everyday items.

The CDC recommends that investigation begins in the hospital kitchens, since E. coli can be transmitted via contaminated vegetables, as well as delicatessen meats such as salami and other cold cuts. The following table shows the number of cases identified so far: 

 Case    Age     Gender  

1           23         M  

2           21          F  

3           15         M 

4          42          F       

 After meeting yesterday with chief administrator Joe Wellborn, it has been decided that the litigation issues with one 

(1) of the patients may need further information to determine if the patient was already symptomatic with the bacteria prior to admission.  Research has indicated that hospitals operating in the Tampa Bay area have been known to have cases of E. coli contamination. This substantiates the need for further investigations by the County Health Department.

Due to the severity of the cases, and the potential for further spread, it is recommended that the hospital seek alternate vending services since the present suppliers cannot verify sanitation protocols for their products.  In conclusion, the study done at Good Health Hospital has indicated that the E. coli outbreak was in fact caused by spoil food from the cafeteria.

As a social science researcher working for a regional hospital, you are placed in charge of contacting the DOH from your home state, as well as the CDC for statistical data on nosocomial diseases that frequently cause illness at your health care facility. Using information from both agencies, evaluate the data on common nosocomial diseases and compile a treatment contingency plan for dealing with the hospital infections.  Write a five to six (5-6) page evaluation report in which you: 

1. Analyze Good Health Hospital's records and itemize recent nosocomial infections that occurred within the past year. In your report, categorize the different parameters (i.e., person, time, place, ethnicity, and gender) used in the compilation of data into the information summative.

2. Propose at least six (6) questions for the health care administrator at Good Health Hospital, regarding potential litigation issues with infections from the nosocomial diseases. Rationalize, in your report, the logic behind your six (6) questions.

3. Identify a targeted audience within Good Health Hospital, and prepare an implementation plan based on your hypothetical meeting with the hospital health care administrator. Propose four (4) steps that will be useful in the final implementation plan. 

4. Suggest at least five (5) recommendations to your department head based on the steps taken in the implementation plan. Provide rationale for your suggestions. 

5. Using these approved recommendations, design a safety protocol itinerary that must be placed in public access areas of the hospital.

6. Use at least four (4) peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment. These must come from journal sources. Note: Fact Sheets, Wikipedia, and non-academic Websites do not qualify as academic resources.  

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student's name, the professor's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.  The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: 

Examine epidemiology as it relates to population, environment, transmission, and prevention.

Examine the application of epidemiology to specific diseases.

Use technology and information resources to research issues in managerial epidemiology.

Write clearly and concisely about managerial epidemiology using proper writing mechanics.

Reference no: EM131806480

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