Analyze goals of a proposed hrm organizational initiative

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131209646

Write an 8-10-page situational analysis of an HRM (or organizational) topic, trend, or issue at a global organization, from the perspectives of the business, the organization, and the organizational culture. The purpose of your situational analysis should be to help inform strategic decisions in the organization.

Note: The organization you select for the situational analysis will also be the subject of your Assessment 4 Action Plan. Please keep this in mind as you work on this assessment.


By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Analyze HRM trends and issues in global organizations.

Analyze a selected HRM topic, trend, or issue in a global organization.

Competency 2: Analyze HRM and business policies and their implementation in organizations.

Analyze the influences of HRM in achieving the organizational goals of an organization.

Competency 3: Explain strategic and tactical approaches to human resources management.

Analyze the influences of HRM in achieving the business strategy of an organization.

Analyze key performance indicators measuring progress and achievement of organizational goals.

Analyze HRM influences from the cultural perspective of an organization.

Analyze strategic and tactical approaches to HRM that address findings, from a businessperspective.

Analyze strategic and tactical approaches to HRM that address findings, from an organizational perspective.

Analyze strategic and tactical approaches to HRM that address findings, from a cultural perspective.

Write an 8-10-page situational analysis paper on an HRM (or organizational) topic, trend, or issue at a global organization, from the perspectives of the business, the organization, and the organizational culture. The purpose of your situational analysis should be to help inform strategic decisions in the organization. The organization you select for the situational analysis will also be the subject of your Action

Plan in Assessment 4. Please keep this in mind as you work on this assessment.

Topic Selection

Select a topic, trend, or issue at a global organization that concerns HRM, or the entire organization. You are encouraged to use your own workplace as the organizational setting, but you can use a different workplace, as long as you are able to access sufficient information to accomplish the competencies and assessment criteria for this assessment. Note: Completing a situational analysis for your own workplace may enable you to address and resolve an existing organizational impediment.

Examples of topics, trends, or issues you might choose include:

Expatriates and disparate HR practices; the human resources department as practice leader.

Exclusion or inclusion of HR professionals in organization-wide strategic business planning and decision-making.

Outsourcing HR to increase HR and business effectiveness: professional preparation, positioning, and execution.

A business case for or against the HR professional as a change agent.

Are HR professional properly prepared to participate in business or union negotiations?

Situational Analysis

After you have selected a topic, conduct research in the literature of the field, as well as within your chosen organization, to build your situational analysis paper. Your paper should include the following sections:

Business Perspective Section

In the Business Perspective section, provide an overview of organizational information that is relevant to your selected topic. Include the following information about your selected organization:

Organizational profile.
Organizational vision.
Organizational mission.
Human resources profile.
Economic context.
Political or regulatory contexts.
Competitor analysis.
Operations infrastructure.
Organizational Perspective Section

In the Organizational Perspective section of the paper, provide a succinct overview of the relationships and influence of your HRM topic on achieving the organization's organizational goals. By definition and design, organizational goals are a product of the organization's mission and vision; and are specific, measurable, and time-bound. Key performance indicators may include such measures as annual return on investment, percentage of repeat business with existing clients, and positive customer service ratings.

Select at least three key performance indicators (KPI) for the organization, to use in measuring the progress and achievement of the organizational goals. Note that you will need to have access to information about the organization's measures in order to analyze these KPIs. Make an informed decision regarding the key performance indicators that you should use for your chosen issue.

Divide the Organizational Perspective section of your paper into distinct sub-sections addressing each of the KPIs you have chosen.

Identify each KPI and analyze how it relates to your HRM or organizational topic.

Cultural Perspective Section

In the Cultural Perspective section of the paper, provide a succinct overview of your selected organization's cultural goals and the influence your chosen HRM topic has on realizing those goals. Like the business and organizational perspectives, the cultural perspective is a product of organizational vision and mission. An organization's culture reflects organizational thought and behavior, and is socially constructed. While organizational culture can be challenging to identify and measure, it can be roughly identified by categories such as organizational values, orientation to change, and leaders' leadership styles.

Select two cultural categories that are relevant to the organization you chose.

Divide the Cultural Perspective section of your paper into two distinct sub-sections addressing each of the two cultural categories you have chosen.

Analyze your chosen HRM topic within the context of those two categories.

Refer to the Analysis Versus Evaluation document (linked in the Resources under the Capella Resources heading) for a review of how these two skills are defined within the context of the assessment scoring guide.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Your writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to APA (6th edition) style.
Font, font size, and page layout: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced font with one-inch page margins.
Length of paper: 8-10 pages.

Analysis Versus Evaluation

Throughout this course, you will be asked to analyze and evaluate concepts. You will see these two terms used in the scoring guides for your assessments. You may note that demonstrating the skill of analysis is often required in order to perform proficiently in a criterion, while the skill of evaluation is often linked to distinguished performance. Thus, evaluation is defined as a higher skill level than analysis.

It can be difficult to distinguish the differences between these two skills. Since the level of performance you demonstrate in your assessments will impact your grade, it might help to have a clear working definition of the differences at hand. The following is an explanation that should help guide your work.


An analysis is the critical thinking process through which a concept, practice, or object is studied, by identifying and understanding its parts (individual components, elements, or pieces), and separating them from the whole. An analysis would result in an understanding of the subject's unique features and purposes.

For example, an analysis of an apple would result in an understanding of its features: the shape, skin, core, seeds, stem, and meat-as components of the whole apple. Your analysis of the apple would uncover and present objective information about these parts. In your analysis, you might gather data about detailed features, such as the apple's caloric value and vitamin content. You would demonstrate that you understand what the apple is made of, and what its basic function is, as a piece of fruit.


An evaluation is considered to represent the next highest level of critical thinking. In evaluation, the relative value of the concept, practice, or object is determined, in light of a specific context. In short, evaluation is the process of determining value.

For example, an evaluation of the apple would address its usefulness for different purposes:

The vitamins and fiber in the apple's skin and meat offer nutrition; you might evaluate the apple as being a valuable food source.

The apple's irregular shape makes it less aerodynamic than a perfect sphere. Its soft skin and meat make it vulnerable to damage upon impact at a high velocity. Therefore, you might evaluate the apple as unsuitable for use as a baseball.

The apple is evaluated in the context of its intended use (in this case, nutritional and recreational). Note that, in order to successfully evaluate the apple's usefulness in these contexts, you must first analyze the apple. Without the objective information gathered during analysis, the evaluation would not produce an accurate or logical valuation-potentially resulting in an unfortunate experience for baseball players.

In simplest terms, you might think of analysis as being as a means to gain a comprehensive, objective understanding, and evaluation as the internal process of determining its value, based on that analysis.


Evaluates a selected HRM topic, trend, or issue in a global organization.

Evaluates the influences of HRM in achieving the business strategy of an organization.

Evaluates the influences of HRM in achieving the organizational goals of an organization.

Interprets key performance indicators to measure the progress and achievement of organizational goals.

Evaluates HRM influences from the cultural perspective of an organization.

Interprets strategic and tactical approaches to HRM that address findings, from a business perspective.

Interprets strategic and tactical approaches to HRM that address findings, from an organizational perspective.

Interprets strategic and tactical approaches to HRM that address findings, from a cultural perspective.

Assessment 4


Create 5-6-page action plan based on the findings you have generated about a selected topic, addressing each of the three situational analysis perspectives. Your action plan should allow an HR professional to make informed, data-driven decisions focused on taking strategically aligned and tactically effective action for organizational success.

In this course, you have analyzed selected human resource topics, trends, and issues that HR professionals typically encounter in the workplace. You have applied these topics to real-world experiences, to help an organization achieve its business, organizational, and cultural goals efficiently and effectively. In your final assessment, you will demonstrate critical thinking skills, strategic acumen, tactical capability, sound judgment, common sense and logic, and attention to detail, in developing an action plan for addressing the findings of the situational analysis you completed in Assessment 3.


HR professionals should be prepared to develop situational analyses and action plans to enable organizational leaders and associated stakeholders to understand HR's orientations, value proposition, and business-related outcomes. The result is a transformed HR professional and profession, creating a new position of credibility and contributions for 21st century knowledge age organizations.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 2: Analyze HRM and business policies and their implementation in organizations.

Analyze criteria used to measure progress and goal achievement.

Analyze resources necessary to enable the action plan objective to be achieved.

Analyze goals of a proposed HRM organizational initiative.

Analyze actions of a proposed HRM organizational initiative.

Analyze metrics of a proposed HRM organizational initiative.

Metrics Recommendations

Evaluate the performance of your organization (or an organization with which you are familiar) against other organizations.

Compare the organizations' metrics, survey data, et cetera, in your evaluation. Metrics can show what benefit your HR practices may provide, and how they might contribute to the organization's profits.

Benchmark the data and designated time frame (plan year, fiscal year, et cetera). Compare the data projections, using the same time frame (Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, et cetera), to show improvement or decline.


HR Planning in the New Era of Importing Labor

How is attracting, retaining, and developing a workforce that possesses technical knowledge and skills important to an organization's ability to compete in the global marketplace?

What are the ethical and leadership issues HR must face as a result of the changes to the H-1B visa policy?

Assessment Instructions

Build an action plan on the situational analysis paper you wrote in Assessment 3; however, be sure to provide the full context needed to support your action plan within this paper. Assume that the reader is not familiar with your situational analysis paper.

Create your action plan based on the findings you have generated about your selected topic, addressing each of the three situational analysis perspectives (business, organizational, cultural). Your action plan should allow an HR professional to make informed, data-driven decisions focused on taking strategically aligned and tactically effective action for organizational success. Action plans are created using a myriad of different formats. In order to articulate the goals, actions, and metrics of your organizational initiative, vary the format as needed to best present your work. Use empirical information and data specific to the organization to support your action plan. Eliminate any personal or unsupported assertions, industry attitudes, or opinions, in order to ensure your action plan is viable and convincing.

Your action plan should address all of the following:

Achievement criteria: What criteria are used to measure progress and goal achievement?

Action steps: Who performs specific actions to achieve objectives within a specific timeframe?

Resource requirement: What resources are necessary to enable the action plan objectives to be achieved?

Achievement dates: What are the objective achievement dates for the action steps?

Review criteria: When will action plan results be reviewed, by whom, and using what achievement criteria?

Note: It is highly recommended that you research the materials listed in the Resources under the Internet Resources heading before attempting to complete this assessment, paying special attention to the topic of HR metrics.

Refer to the Analysis Versus Evaluation document (linked in the Resources under the Capella Resources heading) for a review of how these two skills are defined within the context of the assessment scoring guide.

Additional Requirements

Written communication: Your writing should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.

APA formatting: Format resources and citations according to APA (6th edition) style.

Bibliography of accumulated resources: Support your action plan with references from at least 10-15 scholarly and professional resources, comprising the following:

At least 6-8 scholarly works.

At least 4-7 resources comprised of interviews or blogs of knowledge practitioners, conference proceedings, and organization-specific business data. The business data should include empirical information specific to the organization you have selected.

Font, font size, and page layout: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced font with one-inch page margins.
Length of paper: 5-6 pages.


Evaluates criteria used to measure progress and goal achievement.

Evaluates resources necessary to enable the action plan objective to be achieved.

Interprets goals of a proposed HRM organizational initiative.

Interprets metrics of a proposed HRM organizational initiative.

Interprets actions of a proposed HRM organizational initiative.

Reference no: EM131209646

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