Analyze evidence-based instructional strategies designed

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Reference no: EM133504304

Homework: Evidence-Based Practices- Synthesis Matrix

This homework is designed to help you develop skills in analyzing and synthesizing current research evidence on a specific instructional strategy or intervention. It is also designed to help you further develop your skills related to searching the library databases, concise writing, and APA formatting.

This homework is used to assess student performance related to the following program-level learning outcome:

Explain and analyze evidence-based instructional strategies designed to reduce learning barriers and increase engagement and learning for students with diverse learning needs.

Homework Steps

I. Select a research-based instructional strategy or intervention designed to serve students with exceptionalities and conduct a review of peer-reviewed research studies investigating its effectiveness using the UWF library databases. You must select a specific technique/strategy and not a comprehensive program or broad group of strategies. If you are unsure of your selection, please check with the instructor before finalizing your decision.


1. Inappropriate topic (too broad) - "Effective communication techniques"

2. More appropriate topic (more specific, but still needs to be refined) - "Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). (NOTE: PECS is off limits, please choose other strategies.)

• When I searched "PECS" in the library database for peer-reviewed articles, I had 100 results (too many). I added "speech" to narrow the focus and locate articles that researched PECS to improve speech (results were 24 articles). While this is better, I still narrowed by adding "autism" (results were 22 articles). After reviewing the returns, I noticed that there were 4 articles that were meta-analyses (reviews of multiple studies). I decided to narrow my topic to "the use of PECS to increase speech for individuals with autism". I could focus on the 4 meta-analyses and include other appropriate research articles as needed to support my thesis and main discussion points in the synthesis matrix.

II. Develop a thesis and 2-3 main ideas based on the research articles related to your strategy

1. A thesis is more than just a presentation of the professional literature about the topic. It is a one-sentence statement that is an argument or claim about the research findings on the strategy/technique based on a thorough level of analysis of the professional literature. Before finalizing your thesis, be sure that there is enough research in the professional literature to support it.

2. Your main ideas are two to three ideas or conclusions represented across the studies you have reviewed. If desired, it is appropriate to focus one of your main ideas on critical gaps or points of disagreement in the research. The main ideas must be supported by at least three of the studies you have selected.

III. Complete the synthesis matrix using the format provided in the homework area. Please be sure to review the grading rubric (a separate document found at the eLearning homework link) prior to completing the homework. This synthesis matrix includes:

1. The name of the selected strategy and a detailed description based on the professional literature

2. A one-sentence thesis statement

3. Main ideas and corresponding notes describing the findings related to the main idea in each research article. It is best to write these notes in your own words so that you can avoid plagiarizing the authors' works.

4. Summary paragraphs are written in your own words describing the support for each main idea. In your summary paragraphs, you need to present common conclusions/findings across the research studies as well as go into some depth about individual studies to support the main idea you have identified (thus supporting your thesis). if relevant, you may want to identify any points of disagreement across the articles.

Reference no: EM133504304

Questions Cloud

Accountable care organizations-Robotic surgery : Explain how your chosen topic contributes to patient care. As an administrator overseeing that topic, how would you ensure high quality care?
National or provincial-territorial policy : Identify a current key piece of national or provincial/territorial policy and/or strategy associated Indigenous peoples
Discuss at least two social determinants of health : Discuss two social determinants of health that you feel have impacted your health or the health of someone you know. The impacts could be positive or negative.
Determine the division of income among the three members : Determine the division of income among the three members. If an amount box does not require an entry, leave it blank.
Analyze evidence-based instructional strategies designed : EEX 6051– Analyze evidence-based instructional strategies designed to reduce learning barriers and increase engagement and learning with diverse learning needs.
Effective to present and interpret the information : using graphical perception as a foundation, describe a method that would be more efficient and/or effective to present and interpret the information.
What is the gain or loss realized for y : which was subject to a mortgage of $65,000. Y also transferred to X $20,000 worth of stock in which Y had an adjusted basis of $13,000.
What has shaped your philosophy of health care : What personal assumptions or beliefs have shaped your worldview? What has shaped your philosophy of health care?
Common physical changes in older adults : Describing at least 2 common cognitive changes and 2 common physical changes in older adults and Explaining the roles social, spiritual, work, and family factor


Write a Review

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