Analyze database architecture and design

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131631266


You are the Vice president of a hospital system. Your system includes 1800 bed-hospital and a 30 community -based clinics throughout the metroplex. You and your interdisciplinary team(Quality Improvement, Health information Management, Pharmacy, and Report/Analytics) are charges with the task od assessing the appropriate clinical ,business, and specialty systems applications for the entire hospital system. Provide an assessment for the following applications: administrative, clinical decision support systems, electronic health record and computer-based health record systems, nursing, ancillary service systems, and patient numbering systems at master and enterprise levels. For each application assessment (1) select the appropriate setting(inpatient/outpatient), (2) explain database architecture and design, and (3) decide which components or an e-health delivery system would be appropriate. Your assessment should be a minimum of 6 pages. APA format and references.

Reference no: EM131631266

Questions Cloud

What is the definition of meta-analysis : What is the definition of meta-analysis, meta-summary/meta-synthesis, and mixed method synthematic review in research studies
How did quest to belong interfere with behaving ethically : She says that existed a “high school mythology” at Enron. What does she mean? How did the quest to belong interfere with behaving ethically?
Legal and ethical essentials of health care administration : What are the possible consequences to individuals and organizations in a case such as this
Attempt to prevent a negligante hire : What are some, ways that the HRM can prevent or attempt to prevent a negligante hire?
Analyze database architecture and design : Analyze database architecture and design, and decide which components or an e-health delivery system would be appropriate.
Planning to expand into international markets : Identify a company that has expanded or is planning to expand into international markets.
Who are your key competitors : Describe your brand's ( characteristics, participants and structure.
What is the rationale for the removable rigid dressing : What is the rationale for the removable rigid dressing, and what is the role of the nurse when caring for the patient with this type of dressing
Discuss the impact of the marketer on resultant prices : Given the split between retail and insured services, and private-pay and federally insurances, discuss the impact of the marketer on resultant prices


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