Analyze benefits and issues associate with informatic system

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Reference no: EM133509399


Using the scenario below respond to the discussion question provided to you by your instructor. Based on your University of Arizona Global Campus major of study (HealthCare Administration) analyze benefits and issues associated with these informatics systems and exchange of data in these settings. Specifically, formulate your response from the standpoint of a professional working at a community health center as part of an interdisciplinary team addressing the issue of young consumers and electronic cigarettes.

Health consumers of all ages, including youth, are engaging in the use of electronic cigarettes. Using information found at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Electronic Cigarettes web page, analyze the CDC recommendations regarding persons age 18 and younger and the use of electronic cigarettes. The IT department of the community health center started the design of an informatics application to collect data on electronic smoking in youth consumers who visit the center. Their data intake form includes consumer identification and demographic information fields.

Imagine you are working on a team within your organization to further develop the overall design of this informatics application aimed at collecting data related to electronic cigarette use and youth consumers who visit the health center.

For your initial discussion post you will be drawing a data form picture using Microsoft Word drawing functions to build the data form and attach it to your referenced discussion post in the Canvas classroom. If you need assistance using Microsoft products, you can review Microsoft's Office Help & Training web page.

Reference no: EM133509399

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