Analyze and report articulation

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Reference no: EM131713443

Case Study Assignment:

Description of Case Study Student

Three year old Jonny was observed during free play. Jonny immediately noticed me as I entered the classroom. Greeting me, "Hi Sue", "What you doing?""Where you doeing (going)?"He showed me what he was holding. It was a basket. He said "fits" (fish) made a fish face and then walked away.

Jonny went over to the large connect 4 that was set up, put in one disc, went to the bottom and switched the lever to have them all come out, and then yelled out "They fall out." He then walked over to another area of the room where he picked up a two liter bottle with sand and toys inside to shake. He said, "I want dose (Those)." He then looked up and shouted "Elmo."

Another peer walked over to look at it while Jonny was holding it. Jonny looked and said, "No, mine." The other peer walked away. Jonny put down the 2 liter with sand in it and walked away. The other boy returned to look at it. Jonny noticed, walked over to the peer and tried to take it out of his hands and said, "Me".

The peer walked away with it. Jonny then hit him on the back, saying, "No", and started throwing toys at him. The teacher came over and took Jonny to timeout. He again said "No", kicked the shelf near him, made noises, and grabbed items that were near the area. The teacher stood there next to him, while she asked the others to clean up. The teacher walked away.

Jonny immediately got up and walked around the room while the teacher was getting the other children to transition to the carpet. The other children cleaned up. When Jonny was asked to clean up, he turned and hit a peer who was near him while putting a toy car away. The peer said, "No, Jonny" and walked away to another area. Jonny continued to walk around the room, until it was time to go to the carpet. The teacher asked him to come to the carpet and he said, "No" and went under the table, while kicking the legs of the table.

The teacher got him out from under the table and the aide got him to sit on the carpet. He moved up, down, and around on the carpet and tapped the peer in front of him. The aide pointed and said to Jonny, "The carpet or on my lap. Those are your choices."Jonny stated, "Wap." (lap) He then sat on her lap while the teacher read a book to the children. He was observed chewing on his shirt, putting his hand in his mouth, and turning to look at the door when the doorbell rang.

Other phrases uttered by Jonny

"Haha, gog (dog) wun (run)." "Teader, (teacher) help."

"Top (stop) it,""Dat (that) mine."

"No Sam." "Him not nice."

"He wunning (running)."

"Help me pwease (please)


I do"

"It a tool (School)

"Go out."


Use headings for each section of your report. You may work with a partner if you choose (Two people per group) on this assignment.

1. Calculate MLU of this child.

2. Discuss where this child is functioning,based onBrown's Stages of Language Acquisition (Which Brown's Stage of Development?)

3. Analyze and report articulation (Use graph)

4. Analyze and report syntax use (form) (Give examples to support your analysis)

5. Analyze and report semantics (content) ie. vocabulary, receptive lang., expressive language skills

6. Analyze and report pragmatics (Use) (Give examples to support your analysis)

7. Analyze and report behavior/social-emotional development. (At what level would you say Jonny is functioning? Provide rationale)

8. Given all factors, including your use of the developmental charts (Be sure to document which charts you used), please answer the following as well:

a) Do you feel this child is delayed?

b) If so, in what developmental areas?

c) If delayed, what do you feel may be contributing?

d) What next steps/intervention might you take with this child? Need at least five next steps/interventions (Do not say "Have a speech therapist work with him." I want to know what you, as an intervention specialist, can do to assist this child)

9. Be sure to separate facts from inferences. Put your best guess or inference in bold.

Reference no: EM131713443

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