Analyze and evaluate the speakers verbal content

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131374766

Final Paper Assignment

Objective: To use the knowledge and experience you have gained during the term to evaluate another speaker's performance. You will analyze the speaker's verbal content and nonverbal behavior.

Assignment Requirements

1. First, select a speech to analyze and evaluate. I would recommend visiting TED Talks and choosing a speech from there. You may select different speech lengths and find something that looks interesting to you. No matter where you choose the speech from, you must select a speech where you can both see and hear the speaker. The speech should be a live speech that happened in real time, i.e. it cannot be a speech from a TV show or movie. I suggest choosing a speech that is at least 5 minutes long so you have plenty of content to work with. Also, you may want to have an evaluation form in from of you to help with ideas and terminology for this paper.

2. Open your paper with a brief Introduction that explains who the speaker is, when and where the speech was given, and gives a very short synopsis of the speech.

3. In the first part of the Body of your paper, analyze and evaluate the speaker's verbal content. Is their speech informative or persuasive, or something else? Is their main topic or argument easy to identify? Are there clear main points with transitions between them? Does the speaker use the same 4-part Introduction and Conclusion as we use in class, or do they use an abbreviated version? Do they use a visual aid? If so, what kind? Please answer these questions, and indicate if the speaker could improve or clarify some aspect of their verbal content or visual aid.

4. In the second part of the Body of your paper. analyze and evaluate the speaker's nonverbal behavior and overall delivery. Using terminology from the class/book, please consider the following questions: does the speaker have effective vocal variety? Is the speaker enthusiastic or monotone? Does the speaker use gestures and movement effectively? How is the speaker's eye contact - do they appear to make a connection with their audience? What kinds of facial expressions does the speaker make, and do they match the speaker's verbal content? How does the speaker's attire and appearance affect their presentation and credibility? Please answer these questions, and indicate if the speaker could improve their delivery - use at least ten (10) terms from the class/book in your analysis, and then highlight those terms in the paper.

5. Briefly conclude your paper. Please indicate your overall evaluation of the speaker and their presentation. You do not have to necessarily assign a grade, but do explain whether you think it was below overage, overage, or above average.

Length: 2 - 4 pages, double spaced. Must be typed and submitted in hard-copy.

Format: Times New Roman font, 12 point size; 1.5 or double line spacing; left heading with name, class meeting time, date, and assignment name; last name and page St in right header

Reference no: EM131374766

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