Analyze and evaluate the science or research

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133382477

Scientific Research Study

In a 4-5 page paper (not including title page or references), you will a) analyze and evaluate the science or research found in a new or recent (within 5 years) scientific study or experiment or research b) design a research proposal with sound scientific/research methods and c) reflect on your own learning that has occurred. Your paper will incorporate these points:
A. Analysis and Evaluation of a Research Study
1. a summary of the type of research, experiment, scientific information or data the scientists conducted or collected.
2. an analysis of how the scientists conducted the study or experiment, or collected the data.
Include the following in your analysis:
o How large or complete was the study?
o How much data did they collect?
o Over what period of time did they collect it?
o Where was the study conducted?
o Who or what was the focus of the study (e.g. describe the group of people, plants or animals)?
o Who conducted the study? Did a group sponsor the study who had an interest in the outcome? If so, what was that interest?
o Was there an appropriate control group? If not, why not, and, if so, how so?
o How did they analyze the data to reach their conclusion?
3. an evaluation of the conclusions the scientists made.
Include the following in your evaluation:
o Were the conclusions logical, convincing, and appropriate to the actual way the experiment was performed and the data collected?
o Justify your evaluation by identifying specific elements of the analysis completed in #2 (above), and connecting them to information about proper scientific research from your book or other credible sources.
B. Research Proposal: Create your own scientific research proposal that explores a science topic of interest to you. The topic you select could be related to the study you analyzed or you may select a new topic. Describe the steps you would take to set up a sound experiment based on the scientific method. Your proposal should include the following components:
o Observations about a topic your proposal could investigate. Based on your observations, what conclusions did you reach that your proposal could investigate?
o Your research question
o Your hypothesis and the independent and dependent variables you have identified
o A description of how you would conduct an experiment to test the hypothesis (include sample size, a description of the control and experimental groups, length of time for the study would be conducted and the specific steps in the experiment)

***You may want to review Chapter 1 in your text prior to completing this portion of the assignment.

C. Reflection: a reflection on your own learning that has occurred as a result of the research, analysis and evaluation conducted for this research project. Indicate how you could apply the knowledge gained during this assignment.

Reference no: EM133382477

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