Reference no: EM132245808
Learning Activity
"In July of 1975, national attention was drawn to the city of Hopewell Virginia when news broke alerting the public to the poisoning of workers at a factory that manufactured an insecticide called Kepone. The story ballooned into an environmental crisis when authorities found the James River and many of its species of marine life saturated with the chemical." The Legacy of Kepone, Virginia Humanities.
Perhaps because the crisis occurred in the 1970's we now have a "just right" historical perspective that's not too old, and not too new, affording us the ability to analyze the case from many perspectives. In addition to the above quoted article, additional reference articles are included here.
VIMS: Kepone could soon be history in the James River, Daily Press.
Kepone Poisoning of Workers 1975 Hopewell Virginia, Published August 29, 2008.
In our Week 7 readings and Chapter 14 of our text, Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Business Practices were presented from a number of perspectives, including a 5 point range of approaches as presented in ourtext chapter 14.
For this week's LA, please analyze and discuss the 5 approaches using the Kepone, Allied Chemical, Hopewell case. You may use the above referenced articles and additional reliable internet sources to support your analysis. At a minimum address:
Natural Resources and the Environmental impact.
Governmental Agencies and their role in protecting the environment
Business' corporate social responsibility and/or legal requirements.
The Business Ethics Workshop (2012) Washington, DC: The Saylor Foundation
Chapter 13 The Responsible Office: Corporations and Social Responsibility
Chapter 14: The Green Office: Economics and the Environment
Theme 1: Ethical Issues Related to the Environment
What is Environmental History
Environmental Ethics?
Perdue Farms Changes Rules for Chicken Care
When some US firms move production overseas, they also offshore their pollution
Fracking Is Dangerous To Your Health -- Here's Why
Global Scarcity: Scramble for Dwindling Natural Resources
The Needs of 7 Billion People
Deforestation: Facts, Causes & Effects
Environmental Racism
Theme 2: Sustainable Business Practices
Stepping Towards Sustainable Business: An Evaluation of Waste Minimization Practices in US Manufacturing
A Corporate Model of Sustainable Business Practices
Environmental Sustainability in Business