Analyze a situation when you a leader in stressful situation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133685249


I would like you to work on the "Effective Stress Management" portion of developing yourself as a leader.

Think of stress management from two opposing perspectives: stress situations experienced by a leader vs stress situations experienced by followers.

As always, provide EXAMPLES from your own professional situations (it will be valuable if you can provide your experiences from both sides - as a leader and as a follower).

Analyze a situation when you were a leader in a stressful situation and when you were a follower in a stressful situation. How did you handle each situation? Explain what the difference was for you between being a leader and a follower.

What you could have done differently if you were aware of stress management techniques (refer to your book material and external sources to learn more about those).

Reference no: EM133685249

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