Analyze a security risk issue

Assignment Help Risk Management
Reference no: EM131199671

Internet Technology Security Management

Unit: Security Policy Content and Risk


Write 400-600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas:

A risk cube is a tool that is used to analyze a security risk issue. For example, consider the challenge to measure security concerns for a direct-recording electronic (DRE) voting machine.

The risk cube has the following domains:

• Probability: Likelihood of error (low, medium, high)
• Outcome: Severity of error (low, high)
• Duration: Impact of error (isolated, long-term)

Use the risk cube as the tool to categorize the security risks, and justify the DRE acceptance or rejection in each subcube. Complete the following:

• For each subcube, justify the acceptance or rejection of DRE voting with a summarized statement.

o In addition to the acceptance or rejection choice, add a security risk classification of high, medium, or low for each subcube.

• Conclude with a statement of expected concurrency with the risk cubes of peers.

o If a single risk cube were to be created from those of all peers, would significant differences be expected?

o What mitigation processes might be used to resolve differences?

Reference no: EM131199671

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