Analyze a risky situation

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131378972

The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand how the lecture and book material is applicable to the working lives of real people (including yourself). You are asked to interview an individual who is experienced in a communication-intensive career. They must have worked in this field for at least three years, preferably more. Pick someone who is doing a job you would like to have someday or someone you admire. This person should not be a family member or personal friend. Use this informational interview to expand your professional network and maybe help with your job search process!

Be prepared for your interview. Apply the interviewing methods you learned about in Com 308 or 309. Prepare a list of questions but also follow-up with probing questions. Obtain the details you will need to write an interesting 4-page paper. Take excellent notes or (with permission) record the interview.

You will write a brief (4-5 typed, double-spaced pages) profile of this professional person and the communication practices they use at work. The audience for the profile is students contemplating a career in this person's field. Your writing should be concise, engaging, and readable. This is the kind of writing you would find if an executive was profiled in a business magazine or a corporate newsletter. However, you should use concepts from class to analyze and describe this person's work.

I hope to compile the best profiles and make them available to other students, through the course Blackboard and other communication mechanisms. If you don't want your writing shared in this way, let me know when you submit the paper.

In addition, five points extra credit will be awarded if your profile is accepted for publication somewhere this semester (e.g., in a newspaper or company newsletter or on an edited website).

Make sure you gather and report this information in your profile:

I. Background information
a. Name
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Title/position
d. Current company/organization
e. Organization location
d. Years in this profession
e. Years in this organization
f. Educational background (including highest level attained)

II. Job duties
Describe the most significant duties performed by this person. Make sure you definitely describe their most important communication tasks. You might also describe the most unique, challenging, or rewarding aspects of their work.

III. Risk Analysis
A. Assess the trends. Introduce the idea of risk, as we are discussing it in class. Ask about the trends the interviewee sees in their workforce, company, industry or in the larger environment. What risks do they see developing? What aspects of their job could put them, coworkers, or their employer at risk? What actions would help them or their organization manage the risks? (Make sure I can see that you are using class concepts as you report on this part of the interview).

B. Analyze a risky situation. Ask your interviewee to identify a risky communication situation they have faced on the job. Pick one of the risky situations we have discussed in class (each chapter of the WK book concerns a kind of risky situation). Drawing upon the Risk Negotiation Framework, devise questions about the (1) historical, contextual, or relational factors that made the situation risky, (2) the personal and organizational communication practices that exacerbated or managed the risk, and (3) the outcomes of the risky situation. (Make sure I can see that you are using class concepts as you report on this part of the interview).

IV. Lessons learned
Note: You must ask these two questions. Report the answers verbatim, somewhere in your profile.

a. What is the best advice you ever heard about how to be a successful (fill in his/her profession)?

b. What is the best advice you could give to a young person wishing to become a (fill in his/her profession)?

Grading Criteria

1. Accuracy: Ample and correct use of class concepts

2. Application: Provides concrete observations/examples

3. Writing: technically proficient, engaging, concise, thorough

Reference no: EM131378972

Questions Cloud

Is the instrument negotiable in given case : "Twenty years from date, I, Melanie E. Regan promise to pay to the order of Ryan M. Brown $10,000 without interest."- She did not sign the paper at the end. Is the instrument negotiable? Why or why not?
What legal term describes the transfer of the note : Gaff indorsed the note and gave it to Kia Lai in exchange for services rendered by Lai. What legal term describes the transfer of the note from Gaff to Lai? Explain your answer.
Was the indorsement valid in given case : Powell, intending to write a check to Thompson Electric, Inc., instead made it payable to the order of "Tompson Electric." Thompson Electric, Inc., indorsed the check with its name correctly spelled. Was the indorsement valid? Why or why not?
May an indorsement be written on the front of an instrument : When convicted of a forgery, he appealed, contending that a signature on the front of a check cannot be an indorsement. May an indorsement be written on the front of an instrument? Explain.
Analyze a risky situation : Describe the most significant duties performed by this person. Make sure you definitely describe their most important communication tasks. You might also describe the most unique, challenging, or rewarding aspects of their work.
Do you agree with reynolds in given case : Later, when the alteration was discovered, Reynolds argued that she was not responsible because her indorsement was qualified. Do you agree with Reynolds? Why or why not?
Who or what was responsible for end of communism in europe : You have learned about the rise and fall of the Soviet Union and its influence in Europe. Who or what was responsible for the end of communism in Europe
Was the landlord a holder of the note : The unindorsed note was in the possession of Waskow's landlord, who claimed that Waskow had given him the note in payment of back rent. Was the landlord a holder of the note? Why or why not?
Who will be able to recover benefits on the life insurance : Would a lawsuit like this be held in the state or the federal court? Explain.- Who will be able to recover the benefits on the life insurance? Madeline or Cynthia? Explain.


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