Analyze a real organization or simulated business

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM131293740

Task :1

Assessment description

You will analyze a real organization or simulated business to identify two marketing opportunities, research potential new markets, assess opportunities with respect to contribution to the business, and explore innovative approaches. You will then prepare a brief presentation for marketing peers to support and explain the two marketing opportunities you have identified.
You may base your analysis and report on:

• an organization you are familiar with, such as a current or previous employment. and from which you can access organizational strategic and marketing plans to identify and evaluate marketing opportunities

Note: You should ensure enough information is available for the organization and relevant market/s to complete the assessment task to specification

• BBQfun simulated business.

Task :2

Assessment description

In response to a simulated business scenario, you will evaluate three marketing opportunities that have been identified for you, rank them in terms of viability and likely contribution to the business, and assess the impact of the top-ranked opportunity on operations. You will then prepare a report for the board of directors documenting identified marketing opportunities and required changes.


There are two parts to this assessment task. Both parts relate to three new opportunities that need to be evaluated. Part A requires you to read all materials and to evaluate and complete the information in the BBQfun sales data worksheet. In part B you will prepare a report for a board of directors to outline, evaluate and rank the opportunities.

Reference no: EM131293740

Questions Cloud

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