Analyze a map showing a fictitious undeveloped area

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Reference no: EM133527844

Assignment: Environmental Science

Ensure you have completed Activity ENVS: What is smart growth? the interactive Playposit video before attempting this activity.


Students will analyze a map showing a fictitious undeveloped area within a city and develop a growth plan that utilizes smart growth concepts. Map is attached below.

Introduction: "'Smart growth' covers a range of development and conservation strategies that help protect our health and natural environment and make our communities more attractive, economically stronger, and more socially diverse.

Development decisions affect many of the things that touch people's everyday lives - their homes, their health, the schools their children attend, the taxes they pay, their daily commute, the natural environment around them, economic growth in their community, and opportunities to achieve their dreams and goals. What, where, and how communities build will affect their residents' lives for generations to come.

Communities of all sizes across the country are using creative strategies to develop in ways that preserve natural lands and critical environmental areas, protect water and air quality, and reuse already-developed land".


Using the map provided, and what you know about urban sprawl and smart growth, develop a plan for the undeveloped (Area A) using smart growth concepts to plan the development. Decide which smart growth features will be included in each area and describe the type of development as well as the volume/number of items you will include.

Examples of development features include but are not limited to: business retail stores, offices, roads, sidewalks, bike trails, pedestrian walking trails, high rise or low rise apartment buildings, other types of living complexes (such as assisted living), outdoor spaces such as parks, recreation areas, etc.

Use the prompts provided to report on and describe the features that you would plan and also explain your rationale for the planning characteristics.

Reference no: EM133527844

Questions Cloud

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Analyze a map showing a fictitious undeveloped area : Analyze a map showing a fictitious undeveloped area within a city and develop a growth plan that utilizes smart growth concepts.
Explain critically the sustainable development challenges : Explain critically the sustainable development challenges and opportunities of most business organizations facing the Philippines at present.
Find an issue affecting current nursing practice : Find an issue affecting current nursing practice. This could be unionization, safe staffing or a policy currently or recently proposed and voted on.
Which increase health care costs and threaten patient safety : order more diagnostic imaging than physicians, and overprescribe antibiotics-all of which increase health care costs and threaten patient safety.
Explaining the health assessment information required for : Explain how you would respond to the scenario as an advanced practice nurse using evidence-based practice guidelines and applying ethical considerations.


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