Analyze a current event

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131040543

Analyze a current event ( you may use an article from the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, or New York Times, published this week) using any of the principles that you've learned in this class. 2 pages, double spaced, cite article.

  • Resource Prices and Utilization
  • Resources
  • Monolistic Competition and Oligopoly
  • Pure Monopoly
  • Perfect Competition
  • Production
  • Market Failure and Consumer Choice
  • Elasticity
  • Market Efficiency
  • Market Equilibrium and Policy
  • Demand and Supply
  • Fundamentals

Reference no: EM131040543

Questions Cloud

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Analyze a current event : Analyze a current event ( you may use an article from the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, or New York Times, published this week) using any of the principles that you've learned in this class. 2 pages, double spaced, cite article.
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