Reference no: EM131285270 , Length:
The Ethical Collection and Processing of Data
Task 1: Data Collection
Explain the processes allowing you to collect the data, the required timelines, and software/recording methods involved. You should educate your audience on the role of instrumentation during data collection while ensuring the fidelity and structure of the recorded data. For example, an open-ended interview may have high fidelity but little structure; while an online survey has high fidelity and high structure. Further, you may want to notice field notes and journaling yields low fidelity and low structure data collection efforts. Make sure you comment upon the fidelity and structure of your data collection efforts. You may also want to describe data collection in terms of initial collection and follow-up collection efforts.
Task 2: Data Analysis
Explain the qualitative coding/analysis or quantitative hypothesis testing strategies.
If You Have a Quantitative Study
( My study is qualitative)- see nature of the study below
Your goal is to present a short, reasoned, and statistically valid statement of a statistical procedure determining the outcome for each hypothesis test. Each hypothesis test should have the accompanying information:
- A level 2 heading indicating the hypothesis being tested.
- Statement of the null and alternative hypotheses.
- Comment upon the normality of the data used for the hypothesis test.
- Statement of the appropriate parametric or nonparametric statistical test and its ability to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis.
- The rejection rule.
The result should be a collection of thoroughly explained, clearly reasoned, and comprehensible tests allowing your study to resolve the hypothesis tests. If You Have a Qualitative Study
Discussing the data analysis prior to collection may lead you into a difficult writing task because it is difficult to guess the nature of the collected data. Nonetheless, you may appeal to the qualitative analysis methods presented in the textbook as to present a general framework for the analysis. If possible, discuss the codebook and code-generating scheme you want to use for the study. The framework may experience uncertainty but should be complete enough as to allow others to understand and replicate your data analysis efforts.
Task 3: Human Participants and Ethics Precautions
Being a researcher implies you understand the importance and legal implications of ethics in research. Thus, you should explain how you obtained consent and ensured confidentiality. The forum has a sample consent form you may use Describe how you ensured confidentiality, obtained consent, informed participants about important contact information, and other aspects required for ethical research.
If you are stuck with this segment, then feel free to use and revise the following template as to get you started writing
All participants received an informed consent form [state how the participant received and informed consent form]. The use of [how did the participant provide consent- signature, email?] removed the need for a separate consent form while ensuring each [survey, interview, etc?] corresponded to an easily completed consent form. All participants obtained the proper e-mail address and a phone number allowing them to ask questions at any time during the [survey, interview, etc?] process and to view the results of the inquiry. The [survey, interview, etc?] data remained anonymous, contained no identifying marks related to the participant, and could not be linked to institutions, participants, or collaborative efforts. [Explain how you made the data anonymous.] No contact information, name, e-mail address, or other identification marks remained in a publicly accessible format. Likewise, no identifying phrases remained in the data as to ensure privacy during the feedback process.
Guide from chapter one
Nature of the Study
A Quantitative Data Collection was conducted involving the Role of the Entrepreneur in Mitigating Unemployment and Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa. The researcher has chosen Mixed Method for conducting this report because both Primary and Secondary Data for doing the research. Primary and secondary data both are helping in the understating in-depth analysis of the paper. The Entrepreneurs of Sub-Saharan Africa were chosen (Casson, 2001). More specifically managers and job seekers are considered as respondents for this research.
While selecting participants, the researcher has to keep in mind several variables among them most significant one is expenditure capacity of the entrepreneurs or the income level of the organization. Participants will engage to collect raw data. The method of collecting data is Quantitative Data Collection; more precisely primary data can be collected through different statistical tools intending to assess the role of the entrepreneur in minimizing the unemployment rate in Sub-Saharan Africa according to Fanning, C., O'Mahony, D. and Campling, J. (2008). Investment capacity and the annual income of the company is considered as one of the most relevant variables to collect data.
This variable is also beneficial for measuring the research question. Further, the study ensures the saturation and reliability of the data by statistical tools, Graphs, and Charts.
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