Analysis of the types of voluntary activity performed

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Reference no: EM133485658

Case Study: You have recently been employed as a project officer in a government department and have been tasked by your supervisor to develop two sections of a discussion paper, which will go to an oversight committee. The discussion paper informs the oversight committee about trends in voluntary participation during disaster events and strategies for enhancing voluntary activity. The oversight committee includes emergency and disaster management experts, community members, academics and researchers. To support the discussion paper, the oversight committee has asked that the discussion be framed around a local event, that is, the discussion must use a recent emergency or disaster event (of your choosing) and give examples from that event. The two sections that you have been tasked to write are to populate the trends section of the bigger discussion paper and include:

Question 1): a discussion, including a contemporary definition of the concept of community, and

Question 2): an analysis of the types of voluntary activity performed by members of the community during a recent emergency or disaster event (of your choice), and its alignment or otherwise to a formal organisation or agency. Part 2.2 will consist of the following:
a) name and a brief description of the event,
b) examples of the activity that community members contributed to that particular event,
c) identification of which contributions were part of formal volunteer role and which were not,
d) using the scholarly literature, align the formal and non-formal contributions from part c) with the models identified in the volunteerism literature.

Requirements: Your two sections combined can be up to 750 words and must include the following:
1. minimum of four (4) different references
2. minimum of two (2) references for Part 2.1, and two (2) references for Part 2.2
3. the four (4) references must be peer-reviewed sources. You are free to use additional non-peer-reviewed sources.


Reference no: EM133485658

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