Analysis of the supervisor role in the phoenix house

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Reference no: EM132917978

External Factors Impacting an Organization

  • Last week, you explored how systems theory and the ecological perspective emphasize the interaction between a human services organization and its environment. Any change in one part of the system effects change in another part of the system. Because organizations are not immune to their environment, local, national, and global events affect them.
  • Social workers in administrative roles must be able to identify and analyze the external factors that affect the function of the human services organizations for which they work. Though you may apply leadership and management skills as you assume an administrative position, you may also be able to repurpose many of the assessment skills you use in clinical practice for macro social work. Just as you gather information about a client and develop strategies for treatment at a micro level, so too, at a macro level, you gather and analyze information about a situation or program and identify appropriate strategies that will support positive organizational functioning.

For this Discussion, you address the Phoenix House case study in the Social Work Case Studies: Concentration Year text.

Discussion 1: Post by Day 3 an analysis of the supervisor's role in the Phoenix House case study and identify leadership skills that might help the supervisor resolve the issue. Identify which aspect of this situation would be most challenging for you if you were the supervisor. Finally, explain how you would use leadership skills to proceed if you were the supervisor.

Reference no: EM132917978

Questions Cloud

Discuss the definition of a social problem : Discuss the definition of a social problem. What was considered to be the "most important social problem" the USA faces according to a Gallup Poll in 2017
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Cooperating teacher-mentor to design unit of instruction : Collaborate with your cooperating teacher/mentor to design a unit of instruction that aligns to state content standard
Compare the three main sociological perspectives : Compare the three main Sociological Perspectives (Structural Functionalist, Social Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactionist) as well as choosing one
Analysis of the supervisor role in the phoenix house : Analysis of the supervisor's role in the Phoenix House case study and identify leadership skills that might help the supervisor resolve the issue.
Scale of sculpture affect : How does the scale of a sculpture affect how we respond to it? Does a large sculpture seem more important than a small one?
Description of agency policy with regard to confidentiality : Description of agency policies or mandates with regard to confidentiality. Explanation of potential challenges in adhering to confidentiality
Key stakeholders for learning program : Identify Stakeholders - Identify the key stakeholders for the learning program you are marketing, and describe why they are stakeholders
What is meant by homosexuality and homophobia : What is meant by homosexuality and homophobia? What is the evidence for biological and socio-cultural factors in someone identifying as homosexual?


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